Continuing AVID's successful series of Gilbert & Sullivan releases, we present the first full length collaboration between what was to become the famous Gilbert & Sullivan partnership....."The Sorcerer".
CD1 consists of our superbly re-mastered recording dating from 1953 and features the world famous D'Oyly Carte Opera Company under the direction of Isidore Godfrey.
CD2 comprises two contrasting interpretations of popular G&S songs performed by the D'Oyly Carte's brightest jewel Martyn Green and the famous Hollywood actor, singer and "hoofer" Danny Kaye!
Best known for his tongue twisting songs, Kaye takes on nine G&S recordings in his inimitable style. Unreleased in the UK at the time, these parodies were considered too subversive by the highly protective D'Oyly Carte Company.
Now the world is ready and the time is right to enjoy these scarce late 1940's recordings from the master of the high speed tongue twisting song!
CD1: THE SORCERER (Act 1 & Act 2) - The D'oyly Carte Opera Company with Chorus & Orchestra conducted by Isidore Godfrey
1. Overture
Act 1
2. Ring Forth, Ye Bells
3. Constance My Daughter, Why This Strange Depression
4. Oh, Mother, Do Not Ask!
5. When He Is Here
6. The Air Is Charged With Amatory Numbers
7. Time Was When Love And I Were Well Acquainted
8. Sir Marmaduke - My Dear Young Friend, Alexis
9. (Musical Interlude)
10. With Heart And With Voice
11. My Kindly Friends, I Thank You For This Greeting
12. Oh, Happy Young Heart!
13. My Child, I Join In These Congratulations
14. With Heart And With Voice
15. Welcome Joy, Adieu To Sadness!
16. All Is Prepared For Sealing And For Signing
17. With Heart And With Voice
18. Love Feeds On Many Kinds Of Food, I Know
19. My Name Is John Wellington Wells
20. Sprites Of Earth And Air
21. Now Shrivelled Hags, With Poison Bags
22. Now To The Banquet We Press
23. Be Happy All - The Feast Is Spread Before Ye
24. Eat, Drink And Be Gay
25. Oh, Love, True Love, Look Down On Our Sadness
26. Oh Marvelous Illusion!
Act 2
27. Introduction
28. 'Tis Twelve, I Think
29. Oi, Where Be Oi, And What Be Oi A-Doin'?
30. Dear Friends, Take Pity On My Lot
31. Oh Joy! Oh Joy!
32. Thou Hast The Power Thy Vaunted Love To Sanctify
33. I Rejoice That It's Decided
34. Oh, I Have Wrought Much Evil With My Spells
35. Hate Me! I Drop My H's - Have Through Life!
36. At What I'm Going To Say Be Not Enraged
37. Oh Agony, Rage, Despair!
38. Alexis, Doubt Me Not, My Loved One!
39. The Fearful Deed Is Done
CD2: THE SORCERER (Act 2 Conclusion) - The D'oyly Carte Opera Company with Chorus & Orchestra conducted by Isidore Godfrey
1. Oh, My Voice Is Sad And Low
2. Oh, Joyous Boon! Oh, Mad Delight!
3. Alas! That Lovers Thus Should Meet
4. Prepare For Sad Surprises
5. Oh He Or I Must Die
6. So Be It! I Submit! My Fate Is Sealed
7. Oh, My Adored One!
8. Now To The Banquet We Press
9.I Am The Model Of A Modern Major-General (Pirates Of Penzance - Act 1)
10. When I Was A Lad I Served A Term (HMS Pinafore - Act 1)
11. I've Jibe And Joke (Yeomen Of The Guard - Act 1)
12. The Flowers That Bloom In The Spring (Mikado - Act 2)
13. There Is Beauty In The Bellow Of The Blast (Mikado - Act 2)
14. As Some Day It May Happen (I've Got A Little List) (Mikado - Act 1)
15. On A Tree By A River A Little Tom-Tit (Willow, Tit Willow) (Mikado -Act 2)
16. If You Give Me Your Attention (Princess Ida - Act 1)
17. Whene'er I Spoke (Princess Ida - Act 3)
18. I Have A Song To Sing, O! (Yeoman Of The Guard - Act 1)
19. Am I Alone Unobserved?
If You're Anxious For To Shine (Patience - Act 1)
20. When I Went To The Bar As A Very Young Man (Iolanthe - Act 1)
21. The Law Is The True Embodiment (Iolanthe - Act 1)
22. When I, Good Friends, Was Called To The Bar (The Judge's Song) (Trial By Jury)
23. Oh! A Private Buffoon Is A Light-Hearted Loon (Yeomen Of The Guard - Act 2)
24. Love, Unrequited, Robs Me Of My Rest
When You're Lying Awake With A Dismal Headache (The Nightmare Song) (Iolanthe - Act 2)
25. In Enterprise Of Martial Kind (The Duke Of Plaza-Toro) (Gondoliers - Act 1)
26. The Policeman's Song (When A Felon's Not Engaged In His Employment (Pirates Of Penzance - Act 2)
27. When First My Old, Old Love I Knew (Trial By Jury)
28. The Moon And I (The Sun, Whose Rays Are All Ablaze) (Mikado - Act 2)
29. My Name Is John Wellington Wells (Sorcerer Act 1)
30. When I Was A Lad I Served A Term (HMS Pinafore - Act 1)
31. The Nightmare Song (When You're Lying Awake With A Dismal Headache) (Iolanthe - Act 2)
32. If You're Anxious For To Shine (Patience - Act 1)
33. The Judge's Song (When I, Good Friends, Was Called To The Bar) (Trial By Jury)