A collection of the post war output of sideman turned bandleader Ray McKinley, perhaps most famous for his association with the Glenn Miller Band, firstly as drummer and singer, then after Miller's tragic death, as the leader of the most famous Swing Band of them all!
Presented here in superb re-mastered clarity, is a selection of Ray McKinley's Majestic and RCA Victor recordings dating from 1946 to 1950 when he terminated his association with RCA and gave up his orchestra.
1.Howdy Folks
2.Meet Me At No Special Place
3.Red Silk Stockings
4.Hangover Square
5.Hoodle Addle
6.Jiminy Crickets
7.The Turntable Song
9.Patience And Fortitude
10.In The Land Of The Buffalo Nickle
11.You Came A Long Way
12.I Gotta Have My Baby Back
13.Thou Swell
15.For You My Love
16.Sam Don't Slam The Door
17.Mama's Gone Goodbye
18.Every Night Is Saturday Night
19.The Lonesome Whistle
20.Cane Bottom Chair
21.The Missouri Walking Preachers
25.Blue Room