Prokofiev: "Peter & The Wolf": Saint-Saens - "Carnival Of The Animals" (CD)
£6.99 each

1. Peter & The Wolf, Op.67
Basil Rathbone (narrator)/All-American Orchestra/Leopold Stokowski
Carnival Of The Animals (Zoological Fantasy)
2. Introduction And Royal March of the Lion
3. Cocks And Hens
4. Wild Asses
5. Tortoises
6. Elephants
7. Kangaroos
8. Aquarium
9. People With Long Ears
10. Cuckoo in the Heart of the Woods
11. Aviary
12. Pianists
13. Fossils
14. The Swan
15. Finale
The Philadelphia Orchestra/Leopold Stokowski & Saul Caston
The Young Person's Guide To The Orchestra (Variations and Fugue on a Theme by Purcell), Op.34
16. Theme And Variations
17. Fugue
Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra/Malcolm Sargent