Joining the Essential Collection line up this month we welcome im from up north, Stanley Augustus Holloway.
Actually born in Manor Park East London in 1890 we could all be forgiven for believing him a northerner given the authenticity of his fine Monolgues all of which we feature here on this well filled double RE-MASTERED CD.
All the classics are included here from the legendary , (and forever doomed!), The Lion And Albert plus of course the Return Of Albert to Brahn Boots and With Her Head Tucked Underneath Her Arm.
CD2 continues the fun and as a special bonus to round things off we have included two classic songs from My Fair Lady and forever associated with Stanley Holloway, With A Little Bit Of Luck and Get Me To The Church On Time, songs he would continue to sing until he finally had to stop performing in the late 1970s.
1. With Her Head Tucked Underneath Her Arm
2. Old Sam (Sam, Pick Oop Tha Musket)
3. The Lion And Albert
4. Three Hapence A Foot
5. Gunner Joe
6. Alt! Who Goes There?
7. The Return Of Albert (Albert Comes Back)
8. The Beefeater
9. Beat The Retreat On Thy Drum
10. The Ole In The Ark
11. Runcorn Ferry (Tuppence Per Person Per Trip)
12. Yorkshire Pudden!
13. Sams Medal
14. Jonah And The Grampus
15. Sams Sturgeon
16. Uppards
17. The Recumbent Posture
18. Sam Goes To It
19. Brahn Boots
1. Albert And The Eadsman
2. One Each Apiece All Round
3. The Future Mrs Awkins
4. Sam Drummed Out
5. Many Happy Returns
6. Marksman Sam
7. The Jubilee Sovrin
8. The Negro Preacher
9. Old Sams Christmas Pudding
10. The Parson Of Puddle
11. Old Sams Party
12. Albert Evacuated
13. Guarding The Gasworks
14. Careless Talk with Leslie Henson
15. Albert And His Savings
16. How Long Hast Thou Been Grave Maker? (with Sir Laurence Olivier - from Hamlet)
17. My Missus
18. With A Little Bit Of Luck (with Gordon Dilworth & Rod McLennan - from My Fair Lady)
19. Get Me To The Church On Time (from My Fair Lady)